Dog reactions for every moment in your life

από Μυρτώ Τζώρτζου

Sometimes your dogs understand you more than anyone else in the world, no matter what is going on in your life. Whether you are having a bad day or are experiencing a tremendous amount of happiness they just get you and know how you feel. Like the 30 dogs in the gallery bellow, who are no exception. These pooches are so in tune with reality that their facial expressions are all too relatable for everyday situations. Check out these 10 doggy reactions that are perfect for every moment in your life.

71d038f42d2ed7e70ce87d4406a40b0d7d7e683da161c6ccc97845c686a1fbdd_large enhanced-buzz-8836-1411407041-31 face1 face4 face10 face14 face19 l-unamused-puppy mishka sad-dog

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