Οι τραγικές φωτογραφίες των αποστεωμένων ζώων σε δρόμους και καταφύγια

από Μυρτώ Τζώρτζου

Η οικονομική κρίση στη Βενεζουέλα δεν κάνει διακρίσεις. Μακριά από τις ατελείωτες ουρές των κατοίκων για ένα κομμάτι ψωμί, τους αμέτρητους φτωχούς που ψάχνουν όλη μέρα στα σκουπίδια και την ανθρώπινη εξαθλίωση που βρίσκεται εδώ σε όλο της το μεγαλείο, έρχεται και η απελπιστική κατάσταση των ζώων στα καταφύγια και τους δρόμους. Αλλά και πολίτες καθημερινά εγκαταλείπουν στο έλεός τους τα ζώα τους καθώς δεν έχουν τίποτα να τους δώσουν να φάνε. Οι τιμές είναι απλησίαστες. Ένα 20κιλο σακί ξηράς τροφής κοστίζει 50 δολάρια, ποσό που αντιστοιχεί σε ένα μέσο μισθό δύο μηνών.

Η 53χρονη δημιούργησε ένα καταφύγιο έξω από το Καράκας, όπου με τη βοήθεια εθελοντών από όλον τον κόσμο προσπαθεί να περιθάλψει όσα περισσότερα ζώα μπορεί. Ο φωτογράφος του Reuters Carlos Garcia Rawlins επισκέφτηκε το καταφύγιο αυτό και φωτογράφησε την κατάσταση. Οι φωτογραφίες του έκαναν το γύρο του κόσμου. Δεν είναι μάλιστα λίγοι εκείνοι, από διάφορες χώρες, που συγκινήθηκαν και έστειλαν βοήθεια. Η κατάσταση όμως τόσο των ζώων όσο και των κατοίκων της χώρας παραμένει τραγική.

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In this July 21, 2016 photo, an abandoned dog pokes his head out from under a door at the private shelter Funasissi, in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. As the country's economic crisis deepens, food shortages and rising poverty are forcing once-middle-class Venezuelans to do the unthinkable and let their pets starve, or abandon them in the streets. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 23, 2016 photo, an abandoned dog so skinny his ribcage is visible waits to be fed at the private shelter Funasissi, in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. Forced to choose between feeding themselves or their beloved cats and dogs, middle class Venezuelans are abandoning their pets in the streets in never-seen-before numbers. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

This July 21, 2016 photo shows a stethoscope and a wall decorated with the diplomas of veterinarian Dexis Casadiego, in her home which she has converted into the private animal shelter Funasissi, in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. The shelter is currently home to more than 200 cats and dogs. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)


In this July 23, 2016 photo, Dexis Casadiego, a veterinarian and part owner of the Funasissi animal shelter, caresses an abandoned dog at the private shelter in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. No figures are available, but activists and veterinarians say they are seeing a growing number of dogs and cats abandoned at Venezuela's parks, shelters, and private clinics. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 23, 2016 photo, abandoned dogs gather for feeding time at the private shelter Funasissi, in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. No figures are available, but activists and veterinarians say they are seeing a growing number of dogs and cats abandoned at Venezuela's parks, shelters, and private clinics. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 21, 2016 photo, Katty Quintas, part owner of the Funasissi animal shelter, plays with her pet dog Sissis at the private shelter in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. A popular food substitute for dogs, that would never have been considered in better times, is chickenfeed. 'We have to give it to them because there's nothing else,' said Quintas. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 23, 2016 photo, Katty Quintas, part owner of the Funasissi animal shelter, comes across an abandoned dog rummaging in the trash in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. In Caracas it has become common to see purebred dogs rummaging in the trash or lying outdoors, filthy and gaunt. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 23, 2016 photo, Dexis Casadiego, a veterinarian and part owner of the Funasissi animal shelter, examines an abandoned cat at the private shelter in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. No figures are available, but activists and veterinarians say they are seeing a growing number of dogs and cats abandoned at Venezuela's parks, shelters, and private clinics. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this July 23, 2016 photo, three rescued cats watch from the top of a fridge as their food is prepared at the private shelter Funasissi, in the working-class Caracas neighborhood of El Junquito, Venezuela. The economic crisis that is leading to widespread shortages and hunger among Venezuelans is also taking its toll on the country's four-footed inhabitants. Forced to choose between feeding themselves or their beloved cats and dogs, middle class Venezuelans are abandoning their pets. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

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